Mia je magistra kinezilogije, kineziterapeutkinja s dugogodišnjim plivačkim i vaterpolskim iskustvom te višestruka državna prvakinja u oba sporta.

Mia Grbić, mag. cin

Mia has a Master’s degree in Kinesiology, she is a kinesitherapist with a long-standing experience in swimming and water polo, winning multiple state championships in both sports.
Her education and extensive experience in kinesitherapy as well as a thorough understanding of the human body biomechanics have given her expertise in the field of improving posture, biomechanical movement patterns and in spine rehabilitation.

As an expert in prenatal workout and postpartum rehabilitation, she has devoted much of her work to providing support to women during pregnancy and after childbirth. The needs of pregnant women and new mothers represent an important factor in her work so their health and wellbeing in this special period of life are safely maintained.

Based on an extensive diagnostic postural examination, she designs a plan and program of rehabilitation and exercise, focused on the needs of your body, to achieve together the optimal result with carefully tailored exercises and techniques.

Bojan Grbić, mag. cin

Bojan has a Master’s degree in Kinesiology, he is a kinesitherapist specializing in the rehabilitation of spinal and locomotor system injuries and the prevention and rehabilitation of running injuries.
As an experienced kinesitherapist, he has acquired knowledge about the biomechanics of the body and the cause of injuries, as well as an understanding of complex problems related to the spine, using these as a basis to adjust an individual therapy program for each client, to achieve the best possible result together.

His passion towards obstacle course racing (OCR) has also become a profession. Through his own experience as a runner and winner of world and European titles in his age category, he has developed a deep understanding of the physical and mental challenges runners face and the methods to deal with them.

As an official Spartan SGX coach, his goal is to spread enthusiasm and love for this challenging sport and thus contribute to positive changes in people’s lives, encouraging them to push their limits by developing endurance and perseverance, and building a strong sense of community.

Bojan je magistar kineziologije, kineziterapeut specijaliziran za rehabilitaciju ozljeda kralježnice i lokomotornog sustava te prevenciju i rehabilitaciju trkačkih ozljeda.
Bojan je magistar kineziologije, kineziterapeut specijaliziran za rehabilitaciju ozljeda kralježnice i lokomotornog sustava te prevenciju i rehabilitaciju trkačkih ozljeda.

Bojan Grbić, mag. cin

Bojan has a Master’s degree in Kinesiology, he is a kinesitherapist specializing in the rehabilitation of spinal and locomotor system injuries and the prevention and rehabilitation of running injuries.
As an experienced kinesitherapist, he has acquired knowledge about the biomechanics of the body and the cause of injuries, as well as an understanding of complex problems related to the spine, using these as a basis to adjust an individual therapy program for each client, to achieve the best possible result together.

His passion towards obstacle course racing (OCR) has also become a profession. Through his own experience as a runner and winner of world and European titles in his age category, he has developed a deep understanding of the physical and mental challenges runners face and the methods to deal with them.

As an official Spartan SGX coach, his goal is to spread enthusiasm and love for this challenging sport and thus contribute to positive changes in people’s lives, encouraging them to push their limits by developing endurance and perseverance, and building a strong sense of community.